Runup to Cosford.
Cambridge is the quintessential expression of English academic and cultural supremacy, and this week marks the last week of exams, culminating on Suicide Sunday. Next week, the hedonistic May Balls begin, following which the students leave town for the summer holidays.
The people here probably possess the highest per-capita IQ on the planet.
The thoroughly unusual blue-sky weather (0 Oktas) continued today, and those students lucky enough to have finished their examinations were out popping champagne and soaking up the ultraviolet. The river was pretty crowded. And why not- what better weather could you ever hope to find in Cambridge?
I just took the opportunity to update my file pictures, and to share some for the first time online. (pictures below taken 6-6-13). This was really the day to create postcard-perfect memories!
Punting down the Cam at Clare College |
At the Wren Library, Trinity College |
Medieval Cloister Court at Queens' College |
Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Bridge at Queens' College |
Soaking up sun at Trinity Hall |
St John's College |
St John's College |
The Bridge of Sighs at St John's College |
That trademark view of Cambridge- Kings College Chapel against a cloudless blue sky |
I trust the weather will carry on to the Midlands. There, other quintessential icons of British supremacy, such as the Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight, the Red Arrows and the last surviving Avro Vulcan will take wing to showcase the cudgels of Empire.
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