Thursday 28 March 2013

LIMA 2013 Day 3

Cloud cover: 4 oktas, mainly thin high cloud.

Just the one display today, which went off pretty much on time between  1230h - 1400h. I went to Site B.

Weather: Blazing hot. Plenty of heat haze

The Smokey Bandits made their first appearance at LIMA this year, while the Jupiter team were  rested.

The display sequence:

Kris Sakti
Super Hornet
Smokey Bandits
Russian Knights

Just 7 aircraft on the display list today- the only way to shoehorn the display into a 1.5 hour slot.

The weather was better than the preceding two days, though the noontime start ensured that UV levels were massive, heat haze was ever present and dehydration was always a threat.

Site B video:

I'm not posting any pictures today due to lack of time, Oh, just one, then. This is a tribute to Mr Noorsham, purveyor of the best Coconut Water at Site B- an absolute lifesaver. He was there at LIMA 2011, as well, dishing out rehydration to the huddled masses, Well, he's a sight for sore eyes on a  really hot day.

LIMA 2013- Mr Noorsham at Site B

I met up with some spotters for dinner- Sascha, Stefan, Hans, Rahman and Iwan. People whose idea of fun is to travel the world to take pictures of airplanes, all essentially lamenting that airshow weather is not what it used to be before the days before global warming. We all agreed it was hard work!

I think we are all going to congregate on The Hill (Site A) at 10am on Day 4, and may the skies be blue.


Got home, and am now adding some belated shots:

LIMA 2013- Kris Sakti

LIMA 2013- F-18 Super Hornet

LIMA 2013- F-18 Super Hornet

LIMA 2013- Gripen

LIMA 2013- Gripen

LIMA 2013- Russian Knights

The harsh noonday light, temperatures  and heat haze present some problem in getting shots that hit you right there.

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